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Little Known Secret Finally Reveals..
The Most Potent Form of Persuasion Allowing You To Indirectly Captivate & Influence Others to Act, Follow, and Comply With Whatever You Ask
Discover the Persuasive Storytelling Tactics that Generate Genuine Excitement Around Everything You Say And Have People Hanging On To Your Every Word!
From The Desk of Paul Mascetta, NY

Dear Friend,

If you want a fast, sure-fire way of persuading people … in any situation…without sounding sleazy or manipulative by simply making a few small tweaks to the way you already speak… then this is going to be the most important message you ever read.

Because what you’ll see is a proven and 100% guaranteed way of taking any message and have it resonate so deeply,  that it makes people comply.

And it:
  • Works if you're trying to pitch an idea.  
  • Works if you’re trying to brand yourself.
  • Works in corporate America (trying to get a job, promotion or command peers)
  •  Works if you just want to be popular or influential.
  •  Works in both business and social settings.
  •  Could even work in a hostage situation (don't quote me on that).
Hell, you could even use this strategy at a funeral and people would be ok with it.

Best part of all…
I Guarantee It Will Work The First Time You Try It – Or It’s FREE!

And I’m going to prove it to you without you risking a dime. 
Here’s what this is all about:

In 2003 I flipped my car over on the highway and nearly killed myself.

I fell asleep behind the wheel and I woke up to my car bouncing off the divider to my left (the one that stops you from hitting the cars on the other side).

When I woke up I had lost control of the car and was headed toward the divider on the right which was there to prevent cars from dropping over the 1 story elevated highway.

As I saw the wall coming closer I sincerely thought the car was gonna go over.

“This is it” I thought “this is how my life is going to end”.

Then I hit the wall and my car flipped.

People ask me what it felt like.

Imagine being on a wooden roller coaster with loops that goes upside down and getting smacked with a baseball bat in the chest before you hit the biggest loop.

That’s what it felt like.

There I was laying on the side of the highway, the CDs were in the middle of the highway getting trampled by cars flying by.

I can vividly remember the smell of something burning. I think it was rubber but who knows?

I thought the car was gonna explode.

The car was upside down and the driver side window was completely shattered so I crawled out.

Another driver who had seen the crash ran over to me and said: "OMG I can't believe you're alive!"

Neither could the doctors who operated on my broken hip.

They said I was damn lucky that the crash wasn't fatal.

I was hospitalized for 2 weeks and spent over 3 months in physical therapy learning to walk again.

When you're that close to losing it all you realize a few things.

First, you realize that tomorrow isn't promised and life can end at any moment so you get your priorities in order and start doing what makes you happy.

I was only 23 so I wasn't exactly sure what that was.

But I knew what made me curious.

And that was the psychology behind what makes people say "yes".

You see, the only thing I had really ever been good at was selling.

And it wasn't because I knew how to overcome every objection or how to follow up with the prospect.

It was because I knew how to connect with people.  

 I was curious to see if there was a logical explanation for this "connectedness" I was able to form.

I started studying the greatest influencers and communicators of our time.

I studied people like Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford and Martin Luther Kind Jr. among many others.

But there was one man who fascinated me more than anyone.

His name was Dr. Milton Erickson.

Erickson is believed to be the most influential hypnotist that ever lived and the "father of modern hypnotherapy".

Among many other things, he was a master communicator.

He was able to achieve results with his clients that other hypnotists simply could not because his approach was much different.

 Erickson was very aware that most people were naturally resistant by design.

And he also knew that someone could not be hypnotized unless they lowered their resistance.

So his main goal above all was to lower the resistance of the subject before he attempted to hypnotize them.

You see where 'classical' hypnosis is authoritative and direct, and often encounters resistance in the subject, Erickson's approach was accommodating and indirect.

For example, where a classical hypnotist might say "you are going into a trance", Erickson would say something like "you can comfortably learn how to go into a trance".

In this way, he provides an opportunity for the subject to accept the suggestions they are most comfortable with, at their own pace, and with an awareness of the benefits.

The subject knows they are not being hustled, and takes full ownership of, and participation in their transformation.

One of his trademark tools was storytelling.

You see instead of bombarding people with data, facts or arguments, Erickson would wrap his entire "presentation" in a story so the subject wouldn't feel like they were being persuaded.

It's not hard to understand why he did this..

He knew that..
The Human Mind Is Hard Wired For Stories

Storytelling is the oldest form of verbal communication.

In primitive times when someone wanted to explain or teach someone else how to do something, they told a story.

For example, if a man figured out a better way to hunt, he told the story of how he was sitting in the woods and suddenly he came up with the idea of setting a trap instead of using a spear to catch his prey.

This fascination we have for stories never left us.

It's the reason why Hollywood movies generate billions of dollars each year.

Something magical happens when we hear a good story.

We immediately transport ourselves into the shoes of the main character...just like we do when watching a movie.

And that's what makes storytelling so powerful when it comes to persuasive communication.

Just as it did for Erickson storytelling gives you a cloak to wrap your presentation in so that the target or subject becomes engaged and genuinely interested instead of being bored or resistant.

And that's exactly why I created...

The Storytelling Blueprint
The Complete Guide to Incorporating Storytelling Into Your Sales Process, Business, and More Without Coming Off as “Salesy,” Pushy, or Cliché!
Here’s Just a Bit of What You’re About to Learn Inside The Storytelling Blueprint…
  • How story structure can become your most powerful business asset by copying the “core confidence” trick the best business leaders in the world use to inspire audiences to act…
  • Research-proven and real-world tested techniques you can use to inspire action in anyone simply by integrating a great story into your presentation
  • 6+ ways you can make anyone share your stories and make your stories visible so they organically spread with no marketing expense…
  •  How to make anyone share their desires and deepest fears about what your marketing and how to easily influence them
  •  The “AH-HA Moment” secret to great storytelling you can’t miss. Using this secret will allow you to inspire others to think greater than themselves and move subconsciously toward action…
  •  25+ ways stories help businesses and how to create the substance-based stories that trigger subconscious actions practically programmed into the minds of your audience at a young age…
  •  All the knowledge you need to build great stories to share online, in-person, over the phone, in your marketing materials, and more…
  •  PLUS so much more is packed inside this 10 module lesson series on how to incorporate great storytelling into your business!
In Module 1, You’ll Discover How Stories Help
Your Business as You Learn…
  • One innovative storytelling technique you’ll use to solve complex problems in your business. This immediately applicable storytelling skillset will allow you to drastically improve communication inside and outside of your business…
  •  What really makes a story (HINT: It’s not what you think). You’ll learn the core story components essential for a commanding audience and triggering key persuasive emotions…
  •  Critical plot techniques and a complete discussion of “the hero’s battle” and how framing that battle can make or break your ability to persuade…
  •  12+ physical characteristics and cues of an engaged audience. When people are truly listening, you’ll look out for these behavioral characteristics and realize you’ve “won” the persuasive battle…
  •  The research-proven fact that 95% of people make decisions subconsciously and how you can tap into the subconscious and create an internal dialog capable of promoting your argument, offer, product or service…
  •  Left Brain Vs. Right Brain – It’s likely you already know the difference but do you understand the 7+ psychological storytelling triggers that bypass the logical side of the brain that says “no” and engages the creative side that’s begging to buy?
  •  One subtle lie everyone tells you about “facts” and the shocking psychology-backed trick you’ll use to present findings that bypass your customers’ desire to discuss “facts” and instead urges them to buy…
In Module 2 You’ll Discover…
  • 20 reasons well-crafted stories work, even if they are 100% fictional, and how you can add incredible value to your products and services through effective storytelling…
  • How to frame your offer as credible, believable, and (most importantly) valuable to your audience and more, but not just from the perspective of price. You’ll learn how to create priceless emotional value for your audience…
  • Quick communication secrets essential for framing, introducing, or closing offers. You’ll learn 15+ quick tricks you can use to spark the “I’m interested” mindset of anyone, anywhere…
  •  How to use “problem solving stories” to create a perception of innovation, creativity, and believable teamwork within your business that clients will basically beg to be a part of…
  •  Making stories “stick” in the minds of your prospects and the shockingly simple yet frequently mishandled technique you’ll use to bypass prospect consciousness and create “can’t stop thinking about it” thoughts that drive purchase decisions…
  •  Using storytelling to craft an unforgettable USP and why having a Unique Selling Proposition that’s truly unique actually matters no matter what industry, niche, or vertical your business is in…
Learn How to Create Stories that “Sell Without Being Sleazy” in Module 3 as You Learn…
  • Storytelling Vs. Information Telling – What is the difference anyway? You’ll unlock the 12+ vital elements that transform your informational content into compelling, can’t stop thinking about it storytelling…
  • 5 key components of storytelling, how to integrate them into business, and how to use them to improve prospect, customer, and even employee relationships…
  • 9 narrative forms you think are stories but actually aren’t. You can try to use these, but they rarely to work. They look like stories, but they don’t trigger the same “selling without the hype” style you need to use with your prospects…
  •  How you can flip the 9 narrative forms you should never ever use around to actually make them work (but BE CAREFUL because this is an advanced technique you can’t proceed with unless you read chapter 3 first) …
  •  The truth about testimonials, when you should use them, what they really are and how to effectively integrate them into your business and your message…
  •  What case-studies really tell your audience about your business, products, and services and one hard-to-avoid mistake involving testimonials and case studies you’re likely to make…
Begin Crafting an Effective Story With this Information From Module 4…
  • Why creating a theme for your story is essential and a simple strategy for creating 2-3 top themes sure to resonate with your audience…
  • A clear-cut process for discovering what your audience needs to believe in order to take action and how to break-down their beliefs into story tenets that inspire action…
  • The secret to creating a protagonist for your story who your audience connects with, how to tap into their beliefs, emotional pain, problems and more, and how to frame your story so they know you can help…
  •  Why you should absolutely never use the word “story” in your story (PLUS how to get around it when people start suspecting you are using the undeniable power of story to persuade)…
  • Understanding problem, plot, and narrative arch and the role each element of story structure plays when it comes to presenting a narrative designed to sell without being “pushy” to your audience…
  • How to create a detailed outline and the set of step-by-step instructions you’ll follow to go from “blank page” to complete oral or written presentation in no time…
  •  Brainstorming 101 – Coming up with ideas, understanding your key message, and realizing how to blend your message into the needs, wants, and goals of your audience…
  • The 2 step outlining process that guarantees you don’t miss any of the sensory details, facts, or interesting information your audience will beg to hear PLUS how to avoid the “side paths” that frequently turn people away from your message…
  • Tightening up your story and the 3-step process you’ll use to guarantee your message is ready for your audience…
In Module 5, You’ll Learn 17+ Must-Know Storytelling Techniques Including…
  • “The 30 Second Rule” and what it means for capturing and maintaining audience attention (you’ll learn how to start a story the right way each and every time)…
  • How to start a story with a story and the number 1 mistake most presenters make (HINT: It has to do with introductions)…skip this and you risk watching your next presentation or pitch turn into a snooze fest…
  • Why stories are really mental journeys and how to match your intended images, sensory constructions, and psychological cues to your audience to craft an intentional mental journey they’ll thank you for giving them…
  • Showing VS. Telling – Do you know the difference? You may have been told you need to “show not tell” when it comes to story (and even persuasion), but do you really know how to “show?” You’ll discover one strategy that uses sensory language to show (and therefore persuade) your audience…
  • Understanding what your audience should see and how you can predict where the mind of your listeners will “wander” as you present (this is especially important if you are in sales)…
  • One key to being concise and clear you’ll use to hold the steadfast attention of your audience (Don’t miss this point because skipping this is one of the most common presentation storytelling errors)…
  • An innovative (but incredibly simple) technique you can use to skyrocket your credibility in the eyes of your audience…
Here Are a Few of the Ways Module 6 Shows You How to Create a “Can’t Forget” Story…
  • You’ll learn the 4-piece structure selection technique that allows you to combine multiple story elements into an emotional experience for your audience…
  • 3 things Hollywood story tellers have already done for you that you’ll ethically steal. Simply swipe the strategies you’ll discover as you watch video 6 and leverage them to gain lasting influence with your audience…
  • 4 popular business storytelling structures (again, just copy and paste these structures to create a story that meets your desired pitch, presentation, or sales objective). Each of these forms feel “natural” to your audience so you’ll never worry about coming off as a desperate salesman…
  •  The 6 sections of your story you’ll label beforehand to streamline the story writing, telling, and presentation process…
  •  When to use figures of speech, when not to use them, and how to choose the idioms you’ll use with your specific audience…
  •  Should you be funny or not? Learn how to use humor effectively to create a memorable story your audience will remember even if they’ve listened to dozens of other presentations before and after you…
  •  Taglines, personal reflections, questions, and contrast…learn exactly how to use each of these 4 elements to create an unforgettable story…
Use the Tools in Module 7 to Construct Your Own Story Repertoire and Learn…
  • 3 types of stories essential for your repertoire…you’ll discover exactly when you should use each type…
  • How to use set stories about overcoming obstacles, finding success, or starting up to define core values, motivate customers or employees, and create a broader meaning for your business…
  • Where to actually find the information you’ll use in your stories and how to effectively convey complex emotions about your mission, USP, and more that will resonate with audiences…
  •  When you should and shouldn’t use customers in your stories and how making the wrong choice can lead to long-term failure for your business…
  • 10+ hidden (but extremely valuable) “story search locations” where you’ll find inspiration and ideas for stories to start presentations, inject into pitches, or motivate people…
  • How to subtly include your competition, differentiate yourself from them, but avoid badmouthing them (remember, today’s competitor is tomorrow’s investor or ally)…
  • One way to avoid “guilting” potential customers into making a purchase (if you have any fears about coming off as pushy with your stories…this should be it)…
During Module 8, You’ll Discover How to Connect Everything You’ve Learned About Storytelling to Your Products and Services and…
  • How to create and tell stories your customers will love to share. From viral reach to organic marketing you don’t need to pay for, you’ll learn how to create stories around your products and services other people will want to talk about…
  • The techniques you can actually use to find shareable stories…you’ll learn the questions you need to ask yourself about potential stories, the answers you’re looking for, and the reason why people will share the stories you create…
  • One method of “bringing the outside in and the inside out” business and organizations of every size can benefit from (few entrepreneurs and managers are actually using this, but almost every successful organization does it)…
  •  3 “whys” you need to ask about your products and services. Your customers are already asking these questions to themselves, if you use a story to answer them, you’ll be one step closer to winning more prospects over…
  •  How to make the customer the “hero” in your story, why it’s important, and the reason you need to avoid making your product, service, or business the hero at all costs…
  •  4+ ways you can persuade customers to tell your stories for you. Honestly, you don’t need this guide to understand how because at least 30+ major retailers are doing this right now (thing is, we’ve already done all the research for you)…
  •  7+ story integration strategies. From social media to email and your website, you’ll learn how to embrace the power of story across all of your marketing channels, creating a combined “vision” your audience will love to share…
In Module 9 You’ll Learn to Use Stories to Enhance Your Credibility, Sell Your Products, or Get Funding for a New Venture and…
  • Learn “pre-prospecting” techniques essential for creating a message that connects with your audience (we’ll show you how to get in the mind of your potential prospect)…
  • Building customer chemistry to the point where your buyers or potential customers will actually tell you exactly how they are thinking and feeling during the sales cycle (use this technique and you’ll feel like people instantly want to “open up” to you)…
  • Understanding awareness level within the market place, learning the role of your brand, and where you fall into place as a salesperson before you have to “bite your tongue” after making the wrong move…
  •  How to use storytelling during the prospecting process, one way to get people to tell you their unique story (so you can use it later) and more…
  •  Online, telephone, and in-person storytelling—the essential differences, broken down, discussed, and explained so you understand what to do and what not to do in almost any sales situation…
  •  Using story prompts to uncover the needs, desires, and even objections to the sale your prospects have (if you only implement ONE of the lessons you’re about to learn, make it this one)…
  •  5+ differences in storytelling you’ll use when you’re trying to get people “on board” with your ideas or when you are seeking venture capital for your business…
Finally, Module 10 Will Show You How to Use Stories to Get People to Take Action as You Learn……
  • Meaning-building methods that help your audience understand how they fit into your message, your brand, and your vision (use this to inspire customers to act or build a workforce dedicated to your vision)…
  • 5+ ways you can use storytelling to build a stronger culture within your business. You’ll recognize more “wins” once your entire business unites around your goals…
  • How to use stories of failure to prevent future failure. Discover how to keep people moving forward by using the history you may not want to talk about as fuel for the future…
  • Ways you can use “outside of the box” stories no one will ever see coming to inspire action, ignite emotion and identify problems that need to be solved…
  •  3+ techniques you can use to fuel creativity. You can use these storytelling techniques to be a better leader even if you know absolutely nothing else about leadership…
  •  Using stories to solve problems. You can actually implement the storytelling methods you’re about to learn to find simple solutions to even the most complex internal and external business problems…
  • And much, much more!
Click Below, Order, And Learn To Create Stories That Always End With Your Subjects Agreeing With You!
List Price $127 Today's Price $27
*Special Fast Action Bonus Package*
Free Bonus #1: Instant Triggers ($77 value)
You will learn:
  •  How to position yourself to have anyone happily comply with whatever you ask of them.
  • How to instantly make whatever you have to offer look more appealing without making one single change to it.
  • How to get a “yes” from someone before they even know the details of your request
  • And much, much more!
Free Bonus #2: Hidden Persuasion Secrets Power Pack ($77 value)
You will learn:

  • Verbal Packaging Power - Learn key words that always increase compliance from others.
  • Covert Questions - How to find out what your subject is thinking without them knowing. 
  • Rapport Mastery - A simple step by step plan to create fast rapport with anyone!
List Price $127 Today's Price $27
Use Stories to Sell, Even If You Have
“No Stories to Tell.”
Everyone has stories...including you.

Stories are an organic form of communication.

It's the main method in which humans have communicated since time immemorial.

The trick is getting people interested in hearing them.

think you have the kind of stories that people want to hear?


I give you a toolkit of stories to choose from all you have to do is..

Copy & paste these outrageously effective storytelling secrets..

Paul Mascetta

P.S. Get access to 10 audio modules, including PDF transcript, to master the art of persuasive storytelling to whip your prospects into a, irresistible frenzy, build up your circle influence fast and finally gain the power to persuade on command. Don’t decide now! Just say maybe and try out everything here for 365 risk-free. In fact, all the risk is on me. And hurry! The low entry level investment will soon go up in price. So order now to avoid disappointment.

P.P.S. You think your competition is studying these storytelling techniques? Trust me, they aren’t. That's why, when you do, you’ll gain an AUTOMATIC ADVANTAGE in the world of influence and persuasion. You’ll be using techniques, strategies, and methods that your audience hasn’t become stale to. You’ll be fresh. New. Vibrant. Influential.

What are you waiting for? This stuff works

Master Storytelling in One-Click
One Year Guarantee. 100% Risk Free.
Copyright Influence Mastery Inc.