What If You Could Have Access To The Most Effective Influence & Persuasion Techniques Known To Man...
For Less Than Two Bucks A Day?
..Transforming YOU Into An Elite
Persuasion  Practitioner Fully Capable Of Influencing Just About Anyone..

Become A Platinum Elite Member & Master Human Communication For Less Than Two Dollars A Day
 Just $99 $49 Per Month (cancel at at anytime)

Here Is Everything You Get Access To When You Get Started Today!

Listen To What Others Are Saying..

Dear Friend,

What if you could have absolute "super powers" when it comes to influencing and persuading others?

I'm talking about having the ability to do it all...

Things like..
  • Being able to create magnetic rapport so people beg to be in your presence...even stubborn jerks..
  • Attaining the position of the top authority and guru in your niche without working harder than your competition..
  • Becoming a fierce negotiator who always comes out on top without taking advantage of others...
  • ​Transforming into a master storyteller and persuasive speaker who can captivate and command attention without sounding foolish or robotic...
  • ​Becoming an NLP ninja capable of digging into the brain of anyone and getting the best out of them without spending hours studying NLP...
  • ​Turning into a master mind reader who can know what anyone's thinking at all times without doing anything weird..
  • ​Or a top tier networker who has everyone bidding for their attention and business without kissing up..
These are just a few of the "super powers" you'll walk away with from this new and unique opportunity.

Here's the deal.

My guess is if you're on this page it's because you understand how important the skills of influence and persuasion are.

You might even understand that they are bar none the ABSOLUTE two most important skills you can have.

Maybe you even understand that without those two skills everything else is almost meaninglessness.

Your talent, experience, education and hard work ethic will only get you so far.

You need the ability to effectively communicate that you have those qualities otherwise you're drastically shortchanging yourself.

And what's worse is without them, you're giving the upper hand to less qualified person who DOES posses the power of persuasion.

Simply put, to get ahead in this world you need the ability to get people to get people to say....
  • "Yes! I'm on your side..."
  • "Yes! I'll buy that..."
  • ​"Yes! You're hired..."
  • ​"Yes! Let's work together..."
  • ​"Yes! Take my money..."
In other words you need people to say "yes".

So if you're sick and tired of getting passed over, not being able to close deals and lacking the confidence to walk into any situation, take control and effortlessly persuade anyone to do what you want....

...then sit down and stay tuned because I'm about to introduce you to a unique opportunity to join the ranks of  world's most elite persuasion practitioners and transform yourself into one of them.

And it...
  • Doesn't matter if you're shy or introverted
  • Doesn't matter if you lack confidence
  • Doesn't matter if you have zero communication skills
  • ​Doesn't involve anything sleazy or manipulative
  • ​Doesn't require you to memorize any silly scripts
  • ​Doesn't require you to make a fool out of yourself by pretending to be someone you're not
The reason this opportunity doesn't involve any of the things I mentioned above is because everything you're going to learn is going to be based on one thing...... human psychology.

All you're going to do is learn how to use human psychology (both your own and that of others) to your advantage.

Human psychology is a funny thing.

It hasn't changed in seven million years yet the average person doesn't really understand how it works.

They don't understand how people think and behave.

They don't understand how to identify someone's pain, desires and emotions.

And they - for damn sure - don't know how to use that information to influence and persuade others.
Who I Am & Why You Should Care
Having trained over 10,000 people, Paul Mascetta is widely considered the leading expert in the fields of influence, persuasion and human communication. 

He’s also a husband, father, entrepreneur, copywriter and digital marketing strategist as well as a practitioner and teacher of the submission grappling art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Paul believes that most problems in both business and in life can be solved through effective communication. 

Let me be clear in saying I've never been the smartest, most talented or educated person in the room - at anything.

At 17 years old I graduated high school with no game plan.

I knew all the things I didn't want to do like going to college, getting a regular 9-5 job, and running the rat race.

So I took the only job available to people like me - a sales job on Wall Street.

This was the first time I was introduced to the concept of something I like to call "systematic influence."

Let me explain.

Growing up as an only child I was constantly seeking attention so I always looked for ways to make people laugh, cry or trigger some sort of a response in them.

I mainly did this through trial and error and doing what I thought would work.

There was no plan or system in place.

I just did stuff to make people pay attention to me.

When I walked into this Wall Street boardroom I saw what I can only describe as a blueprint for making people respond.

They had a system for everything. 

Sales scripts...

Rebuttal scripts...

Methods to project your voice...

Techniques to create charisma and confidence...

You name it - they had a system for it.

And all the systems were designed to do one thing - get the prospect on the other end of the phone to buy something.

That something - was an investment that could be anywhere from $1000 to $500,000.

You read that right. 

I've seen well trained sales people close sales over the phone for upwards of half a million dollars.

What I found so intriguing was they had a step by step system for taking an ice cold prospect who's ready to hang up in your face to a red hot buyer ready to give you thousands of dollars.


I worked there for three months and became the number one sales person in the place - until I realized the whole operation was illegal and I quit.

Because I refused to cooperate with the FBI I found myself in Federal Prison at the tender young age of 20 years old.

That's when my second education began..
How A Short Stint In Federal Prison Gave Me A World Class Education In The Art of Influencing Others
While the rest of my high school peers were halfway through college I found myself being the youngest inmate in the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in NYC at just 20 years old.

This is a level six maximum security Federal Prison.

And inside of it you’ll find everything from doctors and lawyers locked up for tax evasion to drug dealers, rapists and even murderers.

You name the crime and someone in that prison committed it.

But I learned some very valuable lessons there that I couldn't have ever learned anywhere else.

Forget cold calling.

Forget door to door selling.

You wanna find out how good your communication  skills are?

Go to prison (just kidding...kinda).

Prison is the ultimate proving ground for finding out whether you have what it takes to effectively influence and persuade others.

You’re constantly teetering on a fine line between forming alliances and gaining enemies.

You need to show strength without overstepping your boundaries.

You need to show respect without being taken for a pushover.

And the stakes are much higher in there.

Screw up and you don’t just lose the sale....you can lose your life.

And there are no trial runs or practices.

You either get it right on the first try or suffer the consequences - whatever they may be.

This is where I discovered something I like to call "dynamic influence".

You see while all those sales scripts and systems I saw on wall street worked they didn't account for certain hidden forces.

These hidden forces can drastically impact your ability to persuade others.

There are many of these hidden forces but the main three are context, environment and situation.

And in prison these three forces are much different than they are anywhere else.

And they're constantly changing.

To adapt I had to develop a very high level of situational awareness.

I needed to know who was around me at all times.

I needed to know where they ranked on the "respect scale".

I needed to know what their true motives and intentions were when speaking to me.

I needed to be able to read body language and I also needed to pay very close attention to the body language I projected or I could give off the wrong impression.

Can you see how different this is then pitching a sale over the phone?

When I got out of prison no one would give a real job.

So I went back to the only thing I ever knew and the only thing I was ever somewhat good at...sales.

After doing sales for a few years I eventually moved up into management and was making a guaranteed six figures per year in corporate America.
The Journey Into Copywriting, Psychology, NLP and Killer Salesmanship
In 2004 my friend started an internet based business.

He came to me and said...

 "I'm starting this business and I need a copywriter but I can't afford a real one. You're a salesman so you're the closest thing I have."

At the time I didn't even know what copywriting was.

I agreed because it was an opportunity to make some extra cash.

Little did I know, that little gig would launch me full throttle into the world of marketing, psychology, NLP, influence, persuasion and killer salesmanship.

What started out as a part time thing I did for 2 hours per day was now becoming a full time job which was paying me more than my actual full time job.

And so I made the decision to quit my job and become a full time copywriter.

This was very scary.

I had a wife and two young children and bills to pay.

So I decided if I was going to give this copy thing a shot I would do the right way.

I would take it serious.

I would read books.

I would attend seminars.

I would buy courses.

I would immerse myself in all things related to human communication like psychology, NLP, sales and marketing and even hypnosis.

After two years of full immersion a few things happened.
  • I wrote over 100 sales letters.
  • I gained a world class education when it comes to persuading the human mind.
  • ​I helped build my friends business to multiple millions.
  • ​I helped other business owners reach new revenue levels.
  • I got completely burnt out.
This was when I took a step back and realized I'd had enough.

I'd worked myself to the bone and had nothing left in the gas tank.

Luckily I'd made enough money that I could take a break and figure out what I wanted to do.

One day I was looking through all my old files and realized I had documented nearly everything I'd ever learned when it came to this influence and persuasion stuff.

I thought to myself "What if I just shared all the knowledge and wisdom I've gained with others?"

So I created my first course - The Code of Influence.

That was in 2011.

As the years went on I realized something.

When it comes to human communication there is no "one size fits all" solution.

Different times call for different measures.

Sometimes you need to use systematic influence like we did on Wall Street.

Other times you need dynamic influence - like we did in prison.

Sometimes you need to use direct influence and other times you need indirect influence.

As the years went on I created training courses designed to help people in every facet of human communication.

In total I've created over 50 trainings in one capacity or another.

And now - for a limited time - I'm opening the doors to all of them.

Enter The Influence Academy Platinum Elite Membership.

I call it Platinum because it includes access to every single one of my trainings - as well as future releases.

I call it Elite because it's based on 20 years of research and experience in the real world.

It’s where all my prized students are learning cutting edge techniques and strategies.

This is not the stuff you’ll learn in a psychology class or some 3 dollar persuasion book on Amazon.

It’s a unique system that will equip you with the EIGHT ELITE SKILL SETS you need to master the art of influence and persuasion.

Let me explain what's included and why it could be a great fit for you.
The Eight Elite Skill Sets You Need To Influence & Persuade In Any Situation...

They include...
  • Elite Skill #1: Street Psychology - The ability to size up people and situations in the real world and decide  - based on context, environment and circumstance - which technique or strategy will work best. This is the underground version of psychology your college professor didn’t teach you.
  • Elite Skill  #2: Influence & Persuasion - The ability to understand what makes people say “yes”. Often times it’s the complete opposite of what conventional wisdom tells us.
  • Elite Skill  #3 Rapport - The ability to create a connection with others making them feel comfortable and attracted to you.
  • Elite Skill  #4: ​Verbal Language Part One - The ability to use your words to captivate people through the use of storytelling and persuasive speech.
  • Elite Skill  #5: ​Verbal Language Part Two - The ability to indirectly influence thoughts and behaviors through the use of hypnotic language and NLP.
  • ​Elite Skill #6: Non Verbal Language - The ability to read the minds of others based on their body language and also project confident & authoritative body language yourself.
  • Elite Skill  #7: ​Negotiation - The ability to get what you want without getting suckered into deals and agreements you’ll later regret.
  • Elite Skill #8: The Strategic Alliance - The ability to build a tribe or network of followers that you can rely on for intelligence, assistance and resources when needed.
Learn these Elite Skills and you’ve mastered the art and science of Influence.

And that’s why I’ve spent roughly half of my life creating training programs that will ensure you do just that.

They include:
The Influence Academy Platinum Elite Membership
Street Psychology 101
Includes 1 audio & 1 video module
$97 Value
The Code of Influence
Includes 12 audios & 1 PDF guide
$97 Value
  • Truth About Influence - Discover the facts about influence and why most teachings on it are critically flawed... so you don't make pointless mistakes.
  •  Persuasion vs. Influence - Many people think persuasion and influence are the same... which they are not. Here you'll learn the difference between the two and how to use each one to your advantage... the correct way.
  •  Compliance vs. Conversion - Here I'll share the difference between changing a person's thought process and changing their entire belief system. This will skyrocket the amount of agreements your get from people.
  •  The Power Pre-factor - Here I'll reveal the factor which makes you appear powerful in the eyes of your target before they even meet you. Power leads to respect... which leads to the trust needed for people to follow your commands.
  •  The Triune Brain - Here I'll introduce to a little known map of the brain, developed by a leading neuroscientist in the 1960's, which shows you how people really make decisions.
  •  Information Processing Routes - People process information in one of two ways. Here I'll reveal both so that you can tailor your presentation and always get your desired outcome.
The Advanced Code of Influence
Includes 1 PDF guide
$37 Value
Maverick Persuasion
Includes 1 PDF guide, 10 videos and 10 audios,
$147 Value
  •  The key to planting a positive image of yourself in the mind of the person you want to persuade before you even speak to them.
  •  How to create a position of power when you speak to people so they respect and listen to you.
  • The best possible source of credibility and how you can use it advantageously to attract people to you.
  • The secret source of inherit power that transcends time in terms of persuading people.
  •  How to effectively become a guru in area so people seek you out and want to be persuaded by you.
  •  Motivational Triggers and how you can use them to instantly get people to take the action that you want them to.
  • The Socratic Method of getting inside the mind of someone and how you can use it to make them persuade themselves to listen to you.
The Authority Code
Includes 10 video training modules, 10 audios & 1 PDF guide
$147 Value
  • How you can become any authority in any niche, no matter where you are now, where you have been, or what your qualifications are simply by following a set of established psychological patterns and concepts tested and proven after years of research and analysis…
  •  Authority Explained – The subliminal response few question but everyone is influenced by. Discover the true difference between authority figures and everyone that follows by studying the psychology of authority you can use to influence anyone…
  •  Why 66% of subjects in laboratory tests will actually blindly follow an authority beyond the point where their actions are no longer accepted within cultural norms or moral code…
  •  7 ways to harness the power of “snap judgment respect” – Most decisions to follow authority occur within a split second, understand these 7 principles and gain respect instantly…
  •  4 voice techniques for subconscious authority positioning and techniques you can use to reposition the way you think to gain immediate respect and the attention of any audience…
  •  Your “Authority Persona” Checklist – A complete breakdown of the steps you’ll follow to establish your authority as a leader and convince your audience to listen...
The Art of Street Persuasion
Includes 12 video training modules, 12 audios and 1 PDF guide
$147 Value
  • Dozens of practical uses for rapport in your everyday life... and... little-known scenarios where you might want to break rapport (This is critical if you want to avoid getting stuck at a conference with a tire kicker who's wasting your time when you could be out nurturing your ideal prospects...)
  •  How to establish an instant connection with anyone... (no matter how different from you they might be)... so that you can experience greater success in your personal and professional life…
  •  The 3 perceptual positions you must first understand before you can build rapport and persuade others… and… how to use your awareness of someone else’s needs, wants, and goals to your advantage...
  •  Methods of using hypnotic language to build rapport in your personal relationships and ultimately spark new friendships, increase the love and commitment in your marriage, get your kids to listen to you, and much, much more…
  •  Simple, straightforward NLP techniques and psychological “hacks” you can leverage in business to nail the interview, get your dream job, convince your colleague that your process is best, and generate more sales. Best of all, they’ll believe it was all their idea…
  •  TONS of real-world scenarios you encounter each day and how to apply the step-by-step guidance in this bootcamp to create rapport between yourself and even the most hard-to-get-along-with people in your personal and business life..
The Resistance Reversal Blueprint
Includes 1 PDF guide
$27 Value
  • 3 reasons why resistance will frequently stand in your way if you’ve set your sights on a powerful goal and the exacting resistance response that will ALWAYS overcome objections, preventative action, and argument…
  •  Exactly why defending your position will impact your influence every time and the reason why you’re having trouble convincing others to embrace the perspective you need them to take to achieve your goals…
  •  Argument Vs. Adaptation – The vital difference that 90% of people don’t know and almost every successful influencer needs to embrace to change opinions and win over the minds of others…
  •  How to identify your subject’s core system and 5 specific and exampled ways you can use their own core system to your influential advantage…
  •  Dozens of ways you can gain trust both instantly with first conversational impressions and through longer dialog…follow through multiple conversational examples to see and practice these psychological principles…
  •  An “end argument before it even starts” strategy that eliminates the strict position-taking most subjects use to frame their world view (Note: If you apply NOTHING ELSE from this guide, just use this technique to almost always get what you want)…
  •  Conversational keys to genuineness and tactical trust building that leaves you with the influence you need in conversation after conversation (just apply no more than 4 psychological principles…
The Rapport Patterns Blackbook
Includes 1 PDF guide
$27 Value
  • Learn ten hypnotic language patterns that instantly create a connection with anyone making you a magnet they are attracted to.
  • Melt any kind of resistance and create instant connections.
The Storytelling Blueprint
Includes 1 PDF guide, 10 audios and 10 videos.
$297 Value
  • 3 types of stories essential for your repertoire…you’ll discover exactly when you should use each type…
  • How to use set stories about overcoming obstacles, finding success, or starting up to define core values, motivate customers or employees, and create a broader meaning for your business…
  • Where to actually find the information you’ll use in your stories and how to effectively convey complex emotions about your mission, USP, and more that will resonate with audiences…
  • ​When you should and shouldn’t use customers in your stories and how making the wrong choice can lead to long-term failure for your business…
  • ​10+ hidden (but extremely valuable) “story search locations” where you’ll find inspiration and ideas for stories to start presentations, inject into pitches, or motivate people…
Persuasive Speakology
Includes 1 PDF guide, 20 audios and 20 videos.
$397 Value
  • Walk Into A Room & Instantly Own It.
  • Magnetize People Toward You.
  • Reduce Resistance In People & Make Them Receptive To Your Message.
  • ​Make Anyone Like You In Seconds.
  • ​Reduce Resistance In People & Make Them Receptive To Your Message.
  • ​Disarm Even The Most Stubborn People And Make Them Agreeable.
  • ​Be The Trusted Authority That Others Look Up To.
  • ​​Be Able To Flawlessly Articulate Your Message
The Stealth NLP Training System
Includes 5 PDF guides
$67 Value
  • The Feedback Mechanism and how you can use it to instantly understand what someone else is thinking so you can alter your approach if necessary
  •  The Behavior Gauge and how you can use it to understand what someone's gestures and actions say about what they're thinking.
  •  The Emotional Gauge and how you can use it to understand what someone is feeling so you can trigger the desired emotion that makes them comply.
  •  The Art of Subconscious Direction and how you can use it to direct the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of others
  •  Simple Substitutions and how you can use them lower resistance through switching and deletion. 
  •  The Third Position and how you can use to make your subject come up with the solution to a problem so they feel as though they've won.
  •  Strategic Agreement and how you can use it to create consistent rapport when communicating with others.
  •  Hypnotic Intrusion and how you can use it to reduce resistance by interrupting the subject’s thought train and creating an "acceptance gap".
  •  The Angle Adjustment Technique which shows you how to present a viewpoint that utilizes the subject’s context and logic but only to the extent that it benefits the speaker (you).
Advanced Hypnotic Language Boot Camp
Includes 20 video training modules, 20 audios, PDF & 3 bonus trainings
$742 Value
  •  Easily-applied advice you can use to enhance hypnotic practice with clients, master the art of argument, increase influence, or develop what some people call “natural leadership” (HINT: “natural leaders” really use subconscious cues to guide people)…
  •   The key to unlocking, influencing, and guiding the unconscious mind. Discover multiple perspectives, approaches, research-backed ideas, and real-world tested prompts proven to create trance states through language…
  •  Step-by-step, copy and paste instructions show you how to guide a subject into trance state, influence their subconscious mind, and complete the entire hypnotic process without them ever knowing it…
  •  A better understanding of the world of sales, marketing, persuasion and more. After you’ve read each of the 20 guided chapters, completed the included exercises, and followed real-world examples, you’ll understand how hypnotic language impacts your life every day…
  •  Methods you’ll use daily to convince absolutely anyone, help more people understand your perspective, and encourage others to follow you…
The Deception Code
Includes 10 video training modules, 10 audios &PDF
$147 Value
  • The key strategy to making a deceptive person feel comfortable around you so you can accurately begin to read them.
  •  A simple technique used by hostage negotiators that instantly gets people to open up to you.
  •  A super sneaky technique that completely catches a liar of guard and begins putting you in control
  •  The three types of questions you can use to pull information out of people and when you should use them
  •  The corner stone strategy that will separate this program from all other mind reading programs on the market
  •  How to read a person’s emotions based on their vocal tone
  •  The same speech analysis formula used by the Secret Service and how you can use it to read a person’s mind while they speak
  •  A key giveaway in how a person tells you a story that instantly indicates deception
  •  A key giveaway in how a person tells you a story that instantly indicates deception
Unspoken Power -
The Definitive Guides To Reading Body Language
Includes 2 PDF guides
$54 Value
  • Detect deception when someone is trying to hold information from you or lie to you
  •  Persuade people more easily because you understand what they need by reading their body language during a conversation
  •  Discover what a person really thinks about you or your ideas… And planning ahead if you want to stay on top of the situation.
  •  Achieve your goals easily and effortlessly by persuading other people – through the power of body language
  •  Gain the confidence to talk to anyone, anytime knowing that you will never be in the dark about what the other person is really saying and thinking about you
  •  Be in complete control of social situations, even if you have to interact with people that you have never met or spoke to before
  •  Diffuse power players before they get the upper hand
  •  Equalize social situations so you would be able to influence people more easily
  •  Grab opportunities quickly when you see such opportunities when you speak to other people
  •  Turn the tables when you are at a disadvantage during a meeting, conference, presentation or even in a plain conversation
Maverick Negotiation
Includes 2 PDF guides and 10 audios
$147 Value
  • The two things every negotiator must know before he/she even dares to enter into a bargain battle with anyone
  • A glimpse into the same techniques that the US Government used to get the Mexican Government to hand over 50 million dollars in the 1980’s
  • The same strategy that former US President George Bush used to remove Saddam Hussein from Kuwait
  • How to deal with power player negotiators that have more knowledge than you on a particular subject
  •  Be in complete control of social situations, even if you have to interact with people that you have never met or spoke to before
  • The key to protecting yourself from ever settling for less than you really want in any negotiation.
  •  Equalize social situations so you would be able to influence people more easily
  • How to “re-ignite” a negotiation that has been deadlocked because bother party wants to give in to the other
  •  Turn the tables when you are at a disadvantage during a meeting, conference, presentation or even in a plain conversation
The Alliance Code
Includes 1 PDF guide, 10 videos and 10 audios
$247 Value
  • One tiny tweak that you can make to the way that you smile at others that completely mesmerizes them and lowers their guard making them open to you and your message.
  • The “Glued Eyes” technique and how you can use it to draw out feelings of respect and affection from others by simply looking at them
  • The “Boss Profile” and how to use it to exude confidence when in the presence of others (even if you’ve never been the boss of anyone or anything in your life).
  • The “Warm Glow” and how you can use it to make people feel exclusive and special so they desire to be in your presence more than anyone else in the world.
  • The “Credibility Code” and why this essential piece of the puzzle can either make or break your sphere of influence.
  • The Art of Power Speech and how learning what questions not to ask and instead using a more hypnotic approach can position you as a power player.
  • The key to always having the right answers on hand when someone asks you a question so you seem prepared, confident and ready to accept opportunities.

As a Platinum Influence Academy Member you get access to all the trainings in the The Master of Influence system.

And to make the learning process as easy as possible my team has created a structured learning platform so you know exactly which trainings to start with and how you should progress.

That means all you need to do is login, follow the directions and start learning.

Let me explain..

The total value of all these training programs is $5,172.

That’s how much you’d pay if you purchased them separately.

In the next 2 weeks I'm going top open the doors to the public to join for $$97 per month.

But before I do that I'm opening up 50 spots to join for just $49 $29 per month

That means you can become a Platinum Elite Member and get instant access to the all courses for just one 

Click the button below that says “Yes, I'm ready to become a Platinum Elite Member today”.
  Just $99 $49 Per Month (cancel at any time)
My team thinks I've lost my mind by offering this special bonus package.
  • Free Bonus #1: Quick Start Training Access ($268 value) - These are bite sized trainings that you can jump into when you’re short on time.
  • Free Bonus #2: PDF Training Guide Access ($378 value) - These are 14 PDF guides that contain some of the most valuable techniques that I personally “cherry picked” from my courses. Perfect for when you want quick access on your phone or any other device.
  • Free Bonus #3: Lifetime Access To Every Single Training I’ve Ever Created ($11,706 value) - That’s right aside from the 17 training courses in The Master of Influence System, I’m giving you lifetime access to an additional 22 courses just for saying “yes” today.
This brings your your new total value $16,524.

You get it all for just one payment of $29.

Then Just $29 Per Month (cancel at any time). 

Click the button below that says “ Yes! I'm Ready To Become A Platinum Elite Member."

Now remember I’m only making this offer available  right here and right now.

Don’t miss your chance to master the art of influence and persuasion by becoming a Platinum Elite Member Today.

Here is everything you get 
when you ENROLL today

Listen To What Others Are Saying..

"Paul Mascetta is a master at his craft. He was able to enhance my ability to effectively communicate with my audience on social media by 20X through making a few simple tweaks to my marketing message. I am already seeing a much higher level of engagement after applying his advice.” - Jordan Hardgrave 
“Paul, FYI, I took your advice and immediately, literally, started seeing results. Thank you”. - 
Dr. Randal Gilmore

"The Code Of Influence helped get my wife and I off the streets. We were in a bad place and I had purchased your program some time ago. One day I was running through training programs on my hard drive in the motel we were staying at and I found yours. I put the techniques into action and fast forward a few years and I generated just over $1,000,000 in sales this last year. Thank you doesn't even begin to cover it". - Mike Shreeve
  Just $99 $49 Per Month (cancel at at anytime)
 Just $99 $49 Per Month (cancel at at anytime)
Copyright Influence Mastery Inc.