Limited Time Offer For For Coaches, Consultants, Authors & Experts

BREAKING: "New Underground Persuasion Method Pulls Almost Anyone Into Your Web And Makes Them Say Yes"
Read On To Discover How You Can Hold Almost Anyone's Attention In The Palm of Your Hand And Have Them Eager To Pay For Your Services ... By Doing Five Simple Things
Dear Friend,
Give me 3 minutes and I'll show you a simple 5 part method that makes just about anyone say "yes".

I'm talking about a fast, sure-fire - and unusual - way of persuading people … in any situation…without sounding sleazy or manipulative by simply making a few small tweaks to the way you already speak.
What makes this method so different from anything you’ve likely seen before is because it merges the gap between speaking clear and concise and speaking persuasively using something called the Persuasive Speakology Method.

Let me quickly explain.

Oftentimes speaking clear and concise will make you sound smart but fail to inspire others to take action.

Your message will be clear but will lack the fire power needed to actually close deals, make sales and move people to do what you want them to.

Think about the super smart college professor who puts his class to sleep every day..

On the flip side many times when you attempt to inspire others by trying to speak persuasively, you wind up turning them off because you sound pushy and manipulative.

Think of the used car salesman that bombards his customers with fake discounts and “the deal of the month”.

All that changes today.

Because what I'm about to share with you is a brand new method of speaking to others that not only teaches you what to say - but when and how to say it - so persuasively that it moves your audience to do what you want.
In fact, what you’ll see is a proven and 100% guaranteed way of taking any message and have it resonate so deeply, it will make people happily comply.

Before I get into the nuts and bolts of how this works I'd like to make sure you're in the right place. 

So let me ask you:
  • Do you have a powerful message to share but drop the ball every time you need to speak?
  • Does the thought of closing deals and asking for the sale make you feel uncomfortable?
  • Have you ever missed out on an opportunity only to look back and think "I should've said this"?
  • ​Have you ever put your foot in your mouth and realized you completely lost your audience?
If so then sit down and stay tuned because this simple 5 part method...

Transforms You Into To A Master Speaker & Storyteller In No Time Flat

And it:
  • Works if you want to sell coaching services.
  • ​​Works if you want to sell consulting services.
  • Works if you’re trying to brand yourself.
  • Works if you want to position yourself as the trusted expert others buy from.
  • Works if you want to sell books, courses or workshops.
Best part of all…
I guarantee it will work because I’ve taught it to hundreds of students who are already using it and having great success with it.
Here's what this is all about.

My name is Paul Mascetta.

Over the last decade and a half I’ve helped over 10,000 people master the art of influence.

I’ve generated millions of dollars for my clients by understanding how to make their customers say “yes”.

But I didn’t discover this formula during any of those times.

I discovered it when all of that almost fell to pieces.

In 2004 a friend of mine started an online business .

He asked me to write his sales copy because he didn’t have the money to pay a “real copywriter”.

 I was like “WTF is sales copy?”

He told me that copy is nothing more than salesmanship in print.

And I was a salesman.

So all I needed to do was write words that sell his products the same way I sold things to people when I was face to face.

And so I started writing copy.

I was doing this while still holding down a full time job.

He was begging me to quit my job to do it full time but I was scared to take the plunge.

So I kept writing.

And in the process he became rich.

This little sales copy side gig that I had was generating millions of dollars for his business.

As his business grew my paychecks got bigger.

Suddenly I was making more money in a few hours from my desk than I was working a full work week at my job so I decided to give this “full time copy” thing a try.

Quitting my full time job with a family to support was a very risky decision.

So I decided right then and there to fully commit to mastering the art of copy.

But more than that I was going to give myself a world class education in persuasion.

I wasn't gonna just "wing it" using my previous sales experience like I did in the past.

And so my journey into the world of understanding how human behavior can be influenced began.

I immersed myself in anything and everything I could get my hands on.

I read books.

Probably over 200 of them.

I attended seminars.

I read journals and studies on human psychology.

I studied the great communicators of the world.

I applied what I learned and my copy got better.

Word started to spread.

I started writing copy like a madman.

I wrote over 100 sales letters in a 2 year period.

An average of five sales letter per month.

But I wasn’t only writing sales letters.

I was writing presentations and video scripts.

All sorts of stuff.

I was basically like a movie writer for online entrepreneurs.

They had something to sell?

I wrote the script.




You name it I had to make it sell.

Everything was going great until one day.

The Phone Call That Almost
Destroyed My Business And Reputation

I had this client whom I can’t name for legal purposes.

He’s a big self improvement guru.

Someone whose name you would instantly recognize.

I got hired to write a sales script for him.

Took me a week.

I put together the best possible script that I could.

An absolute masterpiece if I do say so myself.

He was gonna use this script in both a video and at a live seminar to sell from the stage.

I email it to his agent.

Put my feet up on the desk and congratulate myself on a job well done.

A week later the agent calls me and tells me there’s a big problem.

ZERO sales.

I nearly fell off my chair!


How can that be?

“Your script sucks! That’s how!”

I’m pretty sure that was his response.

Now understand something.

At this point I was a relatively new entrepreneur and this guy was my biggest client.

And he paid me over $10,000 to write this script.

And he was pissed.

He felt like he was ripped off and was threatening to tell everyone in our circle that I'm no longer a capable copywriter.

I ask him if we can set an appointment so I could watch him record it on video.

I show to up to the studio.

The teleprompter is all set.

The camera starts rolling.

That’s when I had an epiphany.

Listen up because this is really important.

It doesn’t matter how good the script is if you’re a sh*tty actor.

In other words knowing what to say is one thing.

Knowing how and when to say it is a whole ‘nother ballgame.

You need both technique and delivery.

Here I was handing this guy what I could only describe as “persuasion gold” and he was screwing it all up.

And doing so in all sorts of ways.

Tonality was off.

Body language didn't match his verbal language.

He couldn’t tell good stories.

He didn’t understand how to use metaphors.

When he sold from the stage he couldn’t answer questions or give a good analogy.

That’s when I realized I gave him the ingredients but not the recipe.

Two very different things.

The ingredients are nothing more than components.

The recipe is where the magic happens.

I needed to find a way to fill in the gaps.

I needed to figure out a way to solve the “other piece of the puzzle”.

The part that separates the person who knows a few persuasion tricks versus the master communicator.

It’s one thing to fire off a technique here and there and get someone to buy something.

It’s a completely different thing to transform yourself into someone who can:
  • Walk Into A Room & Instantly Own It.
  • Magnetize People Toward You.
  • Make Anyone Like You In Seconds.
  •  Reduce Resistance In People & Make Them Receptive To Your Message.
  •  Disarm Even The Most Stubborn People And Make Them Agreeable.
  •  Be The Trusted Authority That Others Look Up To.
  • ​Be Able To Flawlessly Articulate Your Message.
See the difference?

The first is a one trick pony.

The second is a herd stallion.

(Actually I think the ‘lead mare’ is the correct name but you get the point)

So right then and there I started creating what I can only describe as..
A "Paint by Numbers" Blueprint for Persuasive Speaking For Coaches, Consultants, Authors & Experts
This wasn't a "product" that I created to sell.

This was a training that I designed for my $10k client.

And it only had one goal; to transform him from a complete novice to an expert orator.

Through all my research and testing different techniques I was able to find patterns that all great communicators follow.

And from that I created a Five Part Method.
  • Part One: Trigger Emotion
  • Part Two: Captivate The Mind
  • Part Three: Assess The Landscape
  • ​Part Four: Merge With The Audience
  • ​Part Five: Influence Thoughts & Behavior
In the first part of the method we Trigger Emotion.

Humans are emotional creatures.

We'd like to think we're logical but nothing could be further from the truth.

We make decisions primarily based on emotion and then we use logic to justify the decision.

Here's an example.

Let's take the decision to not jump in front of a moving truck.

Seems pretty logical right?

But the truth is that seemingly logical decision is backed by the emotion of fear.

The fear of death is ultimately what's stopping us.
Proof That Humans Make Decisions Based On Emotion
Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio studied people who had received brain injuries that had had one specific effect: to damage that part of the brain where emotions are generated. In all other respects they seemed normal - they just lost the ability to feel emotions.

The interesting thing he found was that their ability to make decisions was seriously impaired. They could logically describe what they should be doing, in practice they found it very difficult to make decisions about where to live, what to eat, etc.

In particular, many decisions have pros and cons on both sides. Shall I have the fish or the beef? With no rational way to decide, they were unable to make the decision.

Knowing this, we must first trigger emotions in people in order to persuade them.

We Trigger Emotion by understanding some basic psychology like...
  • The Difference Between The Conscious and Subconscious Mind
  • The Triune Brain Model
  • The Six Persuasion Power Levers
Now this isn't to say we don't use our minds either.

Remember, after emotion comes logic.

That's why in the second part of the method we Captivate the Mind.

We do that through a highly specialized combination of techniques which include:
  • NLP Techniques
  • Confidence & Charisma Techniques
  • Persuasion Techniques
  • ​Storytelling, Metaphor, and Analogy Techniques
Once you understand how to Trigger Emotion and Captivate The Mind it's time to Assess The Landscape.

Here's the thing.

While the principles of persuasion are timeless and universal there are variables involved.

Things like environment, circumstance and situations dictate which techniques will work best.

For example, you speak differently at a funeral as opposed to a wedding.

You don't speak to your boss the same way you speak to your best friend.

Therefore persuading either of them would require a different approach.

That's why you would tailor you presentation based on environment like:
  • Public Speaking
  • Sales Environments
  • Negotiations
  • Video Presentations
That's how you morph a persuasive message into whatever you want.

Then comes what is perhaps the most important part of the method...

Merging With The Audience

Regardless of how emotionally appealing or logically sounding you may be if your audience feels disconnected then it's all a waste of time.

You need to be able to read, understand and connect with your audience.

You do this by:
  • Engaging And Priming Their Mindset
  • Using The VAK Model To Connect With Anyone
  • Picking Up On Signals Like The Cohesion of Movement & Sound
Once that's done we move onto the 5th and final part of the method which is Influencing Thoughts & Behavior.

You do this by:
  • Educating People by Proving New, Valuable Knowledge In A Novel Form
  • Simplifying Complex Topics So That They Can Easily Understand Them
  • Motivating Them To Take The Actions They Need To Succeed
  • ​Launching A Movement That Supports And Follows You
Now as I said that this wasn't a "product" that I created to sell.

This was a training that I designed for my $10k client.

That training turned out to be worth tens of thousands of dollars for him.

And many more clients after him.

Since creating it I've only offered it to my private clients.

Only until very recently did I decide to create a full course from it.

I call it Persuasive Speakology because it's not your "run of the mill" persuasion formula.

Don't get me wrong. It's loaded with some powerful persuasion techniques.

But those are just words.

This is like learning a whole new language (only easier).

Imagine trying to persuade someone in a foreign city where you don't know the language.

Guess what?

When most people try to speak persuasively that's exactly what they do.

They speak a foreign language that doesn't resonate with their audience.

They either use the wrong words or they use the right words at the wrong time.

That changes today because today the Persuasive Speakology method solves that exact problem.

Fact is… there’s no better way right now for you to grab your audience’s attention and inspire them to become customers, clients and raving fans then by using the Persuasive Speakology Method.

And the reason for that is ...

 It's A Complete System Unlike Anything Else On The Planet

It’s a complete system broken down into a simple formula.

It covers things like tonality, gestures, storytelling & mind reading and how to execute in any environment including sales, negotiations and public speaking.

You will no longer have to figure out what to say or do. You will have a simple framework to access anytime you need it.

And that’s just the beginning…

 This works for anyone with a message to share including coaches, consultants, business owners and sales people.. 

Coaches, consultants and sales people get paid to educate, motive and simplify the complex. 

The Persuasive Speakology method covers all that and more.

You will have all the tools you need to ensure people find value in what you share with them.

And you know what else…

 This method is super simple to use

I’ve removed all the guesswork. 

You don’t need to read 10 different books on psychology, speaking, gesturing, NLP and salesmanship. 

It’s all been packaged into five simple steps.

And here’s the cool part…

 It doesn’t matter if you’re shy or lack confidence 

This method includes confidence and charisma techniques that specifically help you overcome these issues and get your head together.

So you'll no longer be anxious or nervous when speaking to others. You will be able to walk into the room and own it and magnetize people towards you.

And you know what else…

 You don’t need to make major changes to the way you already speak

In fact, you are already speaking in these ways at certain times. The objective is to channel that state whenever you want.

You will be viewed as a trusted expert who should be respected and listened to.

And here’s the cool part…

 You don’t need to worry about memorizing any kinds of scripts & you will no longer get “tripped up” and unsure of what to say or do

This method focuses more on the way your message is articulated rather than the message itself. The message is yours. The method just shows you how to better organize it and add punch to it. 

But even if things do go awry, the Persuasive Speakology method has you covered.

You will know exactly what to say and do in situations where your presentation is moving in an undesired direction.

And you know what else makes this really interesting…

 It Doesn't Matter if you Fear public speaking 

The biggest reason people fear public speaking is lack of preparation.

This causes them to create fake scenarios that they think will take place because they’re not prepared

This will no longer be an issue because you will be fully prepared in any and all situations as the TCAMI Method shows you exactly how to recover and what to say and do.

And as I said before…

 This does not involve doing anything sleazy or manipulative.

When you present something that people actually value and that you’re passionate about you don’t need to lie or push people to do things that won’t benefit them.

Your audience will respect and trust you. They will also thank you for simplifying the complex and teaching them something new.

 It's Not Another "sales method" 

You will learn techniques specific to sales, negotiations, public speaking and presentations.

You know exactly how to deliver your message regardless if you are trying to close a sale, negotiate a deal or inspire a group of people.

You can even use the method to improve your public speaking skills and land speaking gigs.

In fact, you’ll learn the 

You can land gigs and fill your calendar with events that build your authority and brand.

And it gets better…

 You will be able to start using this method in the next 24 hours

In fact, you can master the entire method in about 6 hours.

That means you can take everything you learn and begin using immediately to educate, sell and inspire others to do what you want.

By now, you see how and why the Persuasive Speakology Method is so effective at showing you how to deliver a clear, captivating message that grabs your audience’s attention and inspires and influences them to become customers, clients and raving fans.

And you understand what makes it so powerful for delivering a message that moves people to the action that you want them to move towards.

And that’s why today, I want to give you the opportunity to put it to work for you in my brand new training course Persuasive Speakology.

Let me tell you what it will do for you, and how quickly it will work, and everything you get today.

For Coaches, Consultants, Authors & Experts
(Includes 1 Digital PDF, 20 Video Modules, 20 Audio Modules & Special Bonuses)

Here's Just A Snapshot Of What We'll Be Covering:


Use Your New Certification For Career Credentials or Build  A Business Teaching The Art of Persuasive Speaking To Others

List Price - $697 Today's Price - $47

1 Year Money Back Guarantee

Go ahead and order your copy of Persuasive Speakology today.

Then take the next 365 days to put it to work in your life.

If for any reason – or no reason at all – you feel that that it did not help you, then send me an email (

I’ll send you a complete and full refund in return. No hassle. No questions asked.

You can order today 100% risk free.
Here’s What People Are Saying:

Dr. Joe Vitale, best selling author & star of "The Secret"

Anyone interested in learning about the psychology of influence, persuasion and all things related should listen to what Paul Mascetta has to say. His deep understanding of human communication can help take your sales, relationships and life to the next level. - Dr. Joe Vitale, Star of The Hot Movie "The Secret".

Harry Panitch

Hi Paul, I want to thank you!! First, for making the products that I have purchased from you. I am a repeat customer of yours. Your materials have pushed me to new levels of interpersonal awareness and communication effectiveness. I thought I was a master at communication-and I was-but you have turbocharged my skills, my effectiveness, and my knowledge base in a way that I would not have believed possible. I have studied this subject at length -and your breadth of knowledge, combined with a presentation style that I find warm, engaging and interesting -is absolutely the best stuff anywhere. Your practical, detailed descriptions and your way of summing up things to do/not do, and things to watch for in other people are so valuable. This component of your materials is absolutely unique to you.I look forward to all that you will create in the future.
"Paul Mascetta is a master at his craft. He was able to enhance my ability to effectively communicate with my audience on social media by 20X through making a few simple tweaks to my marketing message. I am already seeing a much higher level of engagement after applying his advice.” - Jordan Hardgrave 
“Paul, FYI, I took your advice and immediately, literally, started seeing results. Thank you”. - 
Dr. Randal Gilmore

List Price - $697 Today's Price - $47
*Special Fast Action Bonus Package ($602 Value)*
Guaranteed When You Order In The Next:
Look I understand the power of instant gratification.

So since you're ordering this program today I wanna reward you.

When you order today I'll give you immediate access to two programs worth $294:
Free Bonus #1: Instant Triggers ($77 value)
You will learn:
  •  How to position yourself to have anyone happily comply with whatever you ask of them.
  • How to instantly make whatever you have to offer look more appealing without making one single change to it.
  • How to get a “yes” from someone before they even know the details of your request
  • And much, much more!
Free Bonus #2: Hidden Persuasion Secrets Power Pack ($77 value)
You will get access to:

  • Verbal Packaging Power - Learn key words that always increase compliance from others.
  • Covert Questions - How to find out what your subject is thinking without them knowing. 
  • Rapport Mastery - A simple step by step plan to create fast rapport with anyone!
Free Bonus #3: Rapport Hooks ($27 value)
You will learn:
  • Ten simple ways to create instant rapport with anyone FAST.
  • How to make people like you so your story resonates deeply with them.
  • Much, much more!
Free Bonus #4: The Mind Reading Blueprint ($27 value)
You will learn:
  • How to read anyone's body language fast so you know if you're story is resonating with them.
  • Secrets to understanding what's really going on in anyone's mind.
  • Much, much more!
Free Bonus #5: The Trifecta of Power
PDF Series ($97 value)
You will get access to:
  • Six secret PDF guides where you will learn how to use Metaphors, Stories and Analogies to influence and persuade with precision.
  • The exact six email templates that I've used to indoctrinate over 30,000 customers (you can outright steal them and use them however you see fit :-)
  • A complete list of examples used in each email so there's zero guesswork.
Free Bonus #6: Unlimited Access To Private Facebook Group ($297 value)
You'll get access to:
  • Me - First and foremost you get direct access to me so I can answer any questions you might have.
  • The community - Aside from myself, there are tons of smart, experienced people who can give you the support and insights you need.
  • Ongoing education - Immediately after joining you'll get access to additional training on all things related to the art of persuasion.
Free Bonus #7: Free Access To The Persuasive Edge Insider's Email Club ($228 value)
You'll get access to:
  • Cutting Edge Strategies -  Each week you'll get the latest, battle tested persuasion techniques that work in the real world
  • Exclusive Offers - You'll also get access to offers and training courses that I don't offer anywhere else.
  • Gifts - Membership has it's privileges...including tons of freebies like cheat sheets, books and checklists.
Total Value - $1530 Today's Price - $47
If you want to master the art of verbal persuasion then this is the course for you.

There's no need to wait and pay more.

Order today and save.

Talk soon,


PS - Remember by ordering today you are getting a huge discount. There's no need to pay more. Order now and save.

PPS - Don't forget, getting immediate access to all the bonus training programs valued at $605. Don't delay. Order now.

List Price - $697 Today's Price - $47
Why do I need this training?
While statistics show that as much as 55% of your message is communicated non-verbally, the fact of the matter is that you communicate verbally most of the time. This training shows you what to say, how to say it and who to say it to in order to make your words persuasive.
What makes this training different?
There is currently no other training course on the market which teaches this unique 5 part method. It includes a combination of techniques that appeal to both the emotional and logical sides of the brain.
How much am I saving?
The retail price for this training is $697. By ordering today you get an instant $550 discount. There's no reason to wait and pay more. Order now and save
Is there a guarantee?
Yes. There is a one year money back guarantee on this course. If you're unsatisfied for any reason you can email us ( and receive a full refund.
What happens after I place my order?
After placing your order you will receive an email confirming your purchase. You will also receive emails with immediate  access to the bonuses and another email with your access details for Persuasive Speakology.
What exactly is included?
This course includes  20 audios, 20 videos and a PDF. You will also get immediate access to all the bonus trainings.
List Price - $697 Today's Price - $47
Copyright Influence Mastery Inc.